How Long Does Botox Last in the Bladder?

The effects of Botox on the bladder are not permanent, but they can provide relief from symptoms for up to 12 months. On average, the effects last for 7.5 months. While the results of the treatment are usually seen within a few days, the full effect of the drug can take up to two weeks. Urinary retention is a possible side effect of Botox injections, so it is not recommended for men with a history or risk of prostate enlargement.

After receiving a Botox injection, most people experience improved bladder control for 12 weeks, and some may even continue to have control after 24 weeks. After this period, the effects of Botox wear off and more injections are needed. When looking for a doctor to administer Botox injections into your bladder, make sure they are board-certified and specialize in this area. Botox injections into the bladder usually last six months and do not require general anesthesia, so you can go back and forth from treatment.

The cost of Botox bladder injections is comparable to most insurance plans for oral medications, InterStim, or percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS). Studies have found that people who receive Botox injections have fewer episodes of urinary incontinence and report improvements in their symptoms and quality of life. Botox requires less time than PTNS, as patients with PTNS require an initial treatment of 12 weeks. InterStim therapy has one benefit over Botox in that it has a time commitment up front and does not require much follow-up care.

If you experience any symptoms after receiving Botox injections, seek emergency medical attention right away. If there is a high amount of residual urine or if a patient is unable to empty their bladder, a catheter should be placed or periodically passed to drain the bladder. Botox is commonly known for its use in cosmetics, but it can also help with a variety of medical conditions. It is administered through the cystoscope by a series of rapid injections into specific areas of the patient's bladder muscle.

These bladder “spasms” may arise from routine overactive bladder or be more severe in patients with neurogenic bladder due to neurological disease or injury.

Lily Cautillo
Lily Cautillo

Avid twitter fan. Devoted beer nerd. Hipster-friendly web aficionado. Proud web maven. Award-winning twitter geek. Hardcore sushi maven.

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